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Wonderful Islam

Welcome to My Wonderful Islam page!

As an introduction to you, I would like to inform you that this website may sound a little different from other Islamic websites because it's MAIN purpose is to attract our non-muslim brothers and sisters to Truly realise the Truth for themselves and to understand that Islam is not just a way of Life for Muslims, but in fact it is set as a way of Life for every human being, that includes ALL religions. My Muslim brothers and sisters may feel free to read the whole website and to enjoy it's information, because Islam truly touches everyones hearts. But again, I made this website for one true purpose only, and that is to help my converts understand the most basic and important parts of Islam and what is requested of them from our Majestic And Mighty Lord Allah (SWT).

If any of you manage to read the full website and have any questions, I have left my email address on the "Contact Page" for you to contact me with anything you need.

I Hope You All Enjoy This Website To Help You With Your Understanding Of Life.


The First Dua A Muslim Believes To Prove His Faith in Allah (SWT). This is known as the "First Kalma."



This website has various information on Islam, and the Beauty of being a Muslim. My aim is to convince as many people as I can to bring them on the right path Insha'Allah before it's too late. If not convinced, just wonder at the Beauty of Islam and you'll soon realize what your Life is all about!


This website is aimed at people who are interested in the beautiful realistic side of Islam, for which they want to know their MEANING OF LIFE, and the TRUE MEANING AND PURPOSE OF THEIR EXISTENCE. The idea of this website is for me to share my beautiful thoughts about the world and what's in it, as well as what's outside of our world through the view of Islam. When one finds out the is by Allah (SWT), the most AMAZING feeling that a Human Being can be Blessed enough to witness in his/her Life. My brothers and sisters, (Muslim AND Non-Muslim) please browse this website freely and try and understand what Allah (SWT) is trying to get across to you before it is too late...................


SWT - (Subhan'Allah Wata'Allah) "Glory To Allah (SWT)!"

PBUH (Peace Be Upon Him) - This must be said each time Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) name is said or mentioned ANYWHERE because it is a small duty that every Muslim must fulfil to show his/her respect to our Prophet for what he went through to spread Islam for our Al-mighty Lord - Allah (SWT).

RA (Razi Allah Tala Anho) - This is said after the family members of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the same way to show respect for them and for their relations to the beloved Prophet himself.

Subhan'Allah - "Glory To Allah (SWT)" This is said when something amazing, or positive is mentioned in the name of Allah (SWT). For example, if One sees a miracle of Allah (SWT) before his very eyes, he should shout out loud the words "Subhan'Allah!" to show his appreciation and Love for the work of God.

Allah ho'Akbar - Allah (SWT) is the Greatest! (You will soon find out how amazingly True this is.....)

Tobah'Astaghfar - Allah (SWT) forgive me. This can also be said when witnessing another committing a sin (It is a duty upon each Muslim to inform one who is committing a sin at the time when he does. This is called a "Farz.")

Farz - This is an obligatory and compulsory duty that each Muslim MUST fulfil no matter what......unless a strong excuse is presented to Allah (SWT) Al-mighty himself.

Al-Humdu-Lillah - "Praise Allah (SWT)." This phrase is said by a Muslim, when he states in his talk that everything is "all-good" and "fine" with him, and he lives without any problems or stress by Allah's (SWT) will. Also, this phrase is said when a Muslim sneezes, which means he is praising Allah (SWT) for that sneeze. In Islam, a sneeze is seen as a blessing to each person because it gets rid of certain "bodily waste substances" and cleanses his nose. For this, that Muslim must be thankful to Allah (SWT) and say out loud "Praise Allah (SWT)!" for blessing him with cleanliness.

Yar Hamak Allah - "May Allah (SWT) Have Mercy On You." By reading above, you may understand that One must say this when hearing ANOTHER person sneeze, whether they may be a Muslim or a Non-Muslim is not the issue. Note: ALL these phrases, when said are rewarded by blessings being added to that Muslim's account for his judgement. (What more of a beautiful reward could one be given.)

Asalamo-Alaikum - "Peace Be Upon You", Wa-Alaikum Mus-Salam - "And to you be Peace."

Bismillah - "In The name of Allah (SWT)" (This is said by a Muslim when and wherever he is about to do literally anything. For example, when One is about to open a box, he may say Bismillah, and this will ease any "bad-things" that were to come out of that box into good things. Bismillah is loved by Allah (SWT) when a Muslim says it the more often he can. A Muslim should try and say it in every situation and circumstance he/she comes across.

Insha'Allah - "If Allah (SWT) Wills." This is said by ALL Muslims when they speak of anything concerning the future. For example, if One states that he will come back to meet his friend tomorrow the next day, it is considered in Islam that NO Muslim, or High Islamic Scholar has the knowledge of what will happend in the next minute, hour, or day. And so, each Muslim says this phrase whenever wanting something or needing God's will with them. A good example is, is a Muslim has applied for a job, and he speaks on it to a fellow friend, he may say "Insha'Allah, if i get that job, I will be able to save up over a few months to buy my first car." This phrase is loved very much by our Al-mighty Lord Allah (SWT) and works best in reality when a Muslim says it with his upmost truthful intentions. The more the Muslim says it from his heart, for the true belief of God, the more likely it is to become his reality. This phrase has turned thousands of dreams for Muslims into.....Realities. Once you take on the journey of Islam, you may try out this reali-life miracle of Allah (SWT) and see it work before your very eyes.

Jaza Ka'Allah Khair - "May Allah (SWT) Reward You."

Masha'Allah - "This is According to Allah's (SWT) Will." This is another very popular phrase amongst Muslims. This is said when one has achieved something from the Love of Allah (SWT) upon him. If a Muslim has been blessed with four daughters for example, this is a gift from Allah (SWT) direct to that Muslim for his praise and worship towards Allah (SWT) himself. When another Muslim may hear about this gift, instead of committing the very bad sin of "Jealousy," he may say "Masha'Allah!" to that blessed Muslim with the gift with a clean heart. For the statement of this phrase upon the blessed Muslim, the Muslim who quoted it will be rewarded from Allah (SWT) many blessings which will come in use in his Life after his Death.

Innah Lillah Hai Wa Innah Lillah Hai Rajai'Un"Truly we belong to Allah (SWT) and truly to Him shall we return." Reading this phrase, it may seem it is very difficult to quote for a Non-Muslim, but if you give it a few tries with the right intentive clean heart towards Allah (SWT), Insha'Allah you will be able to say it and understand the beautiful meaning of it. This phrase is said by all Muslims upon hearing the death of another Muslim. The phrase is Allah's (SWT) words for us to believe in the rightousness and understand that THIS LIFE is JUST a difficult and challenging test for us to prove to Allah (SWT) how devoted we are in his True religion of Islam. The belief is that we all are Allah's (SWT) Muslims or slaves, and we all truly, without the edge of a doubt, WILL by ALL means return to him.........for his Judgement upon our deeds.


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What Is Islam?

This is a brief history of Islam (as it became known in the world). This should help you gain some knowledge on how Islam started and how Allah (SWT) made a starting point from which our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was declared a Prophet of God and started his leadership of becoming Allah's (SWT) beloved Messenger from this point on.

In the year 570AD, our Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah (PBUH) was born in the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. His father passed away before his birth, and his mother Amina (Razi Allah Tala Anho - RA) passed away when he was six years old. His grandfather, Al-Muttalib took responsibility of raising Muhammad (PBUH) but passed away two years later. From here his Uncle, Abu-Talib took Muhammad (PBUH) into his family and raised him as his own son (Subhan'Allah). At the tender age of 12, young Muhammad (PBUH) was taken on a caravan trading venture to Syria and it was here where he experienced the world outside of Arabia for the first time. Here, Islamic Tradition tells us that a Christian Monk named Buhaira proclaimed Abu Talib's nephew to be the last Prophet (PBUH) and warns him about the Jews. For the next 13 years, little is known about the Prophet's life except he was involved in caravan trading in and outside of Arabia.

At the age of 25, Muhammad (PBUH) marries a 40 year old wealthy widow named Khadijah (RA) who owns trading caravans. During the next 15 years of his life, he interacts with Arabs known as "Hanefites." Hanefites were Arabs who rejected their previous "Idol Worship" in search of the TRUE Religion and to find out what their Life truly meant. Their searching lead them to Jews and Christians as being their final goal, and would retreat to the caves of Mecca for meditation and prayer.

The Prophethood Begins.................

At the age of 40 years old, our Prophet Muhammad (SWT) had his first vision in the year 610AD. He was in a cave in Mount Hera and thought he was possessed by a demon. He went to his beloved wife, Khadijah, and told her about the event. She consulted her Uncle, Waraca, a Hanefite, who had converted to Christianity, who assured Muhammad (PBUH) it was a vision from God. Waraca declared that Muhammad (PBUH) was a Prophet to the Arab people, and passed away two years later never becoming a Muslim.

Muhammad (PBUH) proclaimed Allah (SWT) as the ONE TRUE GOD and rejected the Idol Worship of Mecca. Khadijah, his wife, was Muhammad's (PBUH) first convert to Islam (Subhan'Allah!). Few listened to Muhammad's (PBUH) message and animosity grew against him as he confronted the Idol Worshippers and preached his religion to Mecca. Abu Talib his uncle and his tribe, "The Hasims" protected him during this early Meccan period. In 619AD, Khadijah and Abu Talib both passed away. Abu Talib headed the "Hasim Group", which Muhammed (PBUH) was a member of. The new leader of the Hasim tribe now was his uncle Abu Lahab, who refused to protect Muhammed (PBUH) (Tobah'Astaghfar). During the next 3 years, Muhammed (PBUH) would fear for his life. He sought refuge and protection in nearby cities from those seeking his life.

Then in 621AD during the Hajj, Arab tribes from the city of Yatrob later to be called Medina, came for the annual pilgrimage. They met Muhammed (PBUH) and thought him to be a Prophet and so invited him to their city to bring peace and settle disputes between the warring tribes. Yatrob was founded by three Jewish tribes and the idea of monotheism was familiar to its Arab tribesmen. The Arabs of Medina had been told by Jewish tribesmen about the coming Messiah who would one day conquer the world including the Arabs. The Arab tribes hoped to find this individual before the Jews. Meeting Muhammed (PBUH) they thought he was the one.

The Five Pillars Of Islam

Remember, All these "Pillars" are Compulsory and Obligatory for Each Living and ABLE Muslim to perform each and every one of these for Allah (SWT). This all comes under the category of "Allah's (SWT) Worship," which is ALL that our Great Almighty Lord Allah (SWT) has asked from us. For everything that we have been given, is this really too much to repay Allah (SWT) back with? I THINK NOT. Never in a million years. A Muslim is rewarded highest for the amount of Love he has for Allah (SWT) and how far he is willing to go to sacrifice his most beloved things and desires for Allah (SWT). He is known in Islam as a "Mau'min." A Mau'min is a Special Muslim. He is valued very highly by Allah (SWT) because of the STRENGTH of his IMAAN (Faith in Allah (SWT)). To explain this, please look into the event of Hazrat Ibrahim Alai-Slaam (Abraham) and his sacrifice of his own Son, Ismail, for the command of Allah (SWT). Before I dismiss this Event that occurred by Allah's (SWT) will, PLEASE make the effort to think in Reality, could ANY ONE OF YOU sacrifice your OWN sibling, whether Son or Daughter for the direct command of Allah (SWT)??? COULD YOU! That is why we respect Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) for his sacrifice of his Son for Allah (SWT). From this, we must learn in our own deeds how far are we willing to go for our Almighty Allah (SWT). Please review your own personal relationship with Allah (SWT) and think until now - have you done enough to please him? When you finally are confronted by his Absolute and Extreme Power, would you be able to hold you head and see him pleased.....or would you be ashamed to realize that what you done wasn't enough. Please think, changing yourself into a better Muslim, NOW than later, is the best deed you could do right this moment. The five pillars are explained as follows:

1. Imaan (Faith and Total Belief).

This is the Strength of Allah's Love (SWT), his Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) Love, and the Love of Islam you have in your heart. The Imaan involves a Muslim to bear witness to the meaning of Islam as told by Allah (SWT) through the Qur'an and the Hadiths (The teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through his knowledge). A Muslim MUST believe in Allah (SWT), his Messenger as Muhammad (PBUH), Allah's (SWT) Angels (Frishtai), The Existance of Satan (The Devil), and finally Allah's Jinn (A nation of Jinn (demon of fire) created by Allah (SWT) out of fire to live amongst US Human Beings on this same planet Earth, but there are no interactions between our nation or theres because they are invisible to us bu the will of Allah (SWT)). There are many accounts of high knowledge Muslim scholars known as "Peers" (a Muslim High Priest) who have had direct contact and interactions with Jinns. The topic of Jinns is very amazing in Islam, and it takes a lot for One to explain the REALITY of this topic to a Non-Muslim. When you read more about their existence and start to Believe in the beautiful name of Allah (SWT), you will understand............

2. Sa'lah (The Five Required Daily Prayers)

The Second Pillar of Islam required by every ABLE (Every Muslim who is able to perform his/her prayer regularly, e.g. isn't ill, isn't elderly, doesn't suffer from any kind of disease or suffering that would prevent or make it difficult for him/her to perform their prayer, and also females who are on their time of the month are permissable to miss their prayers, but should read their missed prayers after when they are back to normal). The five daily prayers ALL each have a unique value and meaning to them.

For example, the Fajr prayer (prayer time varies from around 4AM in the late summer, to around 6-7AM in the early spring) is a beautiful prayer because it is meant to be performed at a very difficult time to get up and prayer......when most people would prefer to be sleeping. The time chosen to read this prayer is in the last hour before Sunrise. This beautiful setting is the most challenging prayer for every Muslim to get up and perform for Allah (SWT). The Beauty of this prayer is that it is the smallest prayer out of all of the five. Allah (SWT) has considered our attitude towards prayer, because if it was to be the biggest prayer out of all five, it would have been the hardest prayer to get up and perform at something like 5AM in the morning! This prayer is Loved by Allah (SWT) and there are a WHOLE RANGE of absolutely Beautiful rewards for each good Muslim who reads various prayers out of the Qur'an at the time after the Fajr Prayer. This small prayer only takes an approximate time of under 5 minutes to perform, but the hardest part for a Muslim is getting out of bed!

The Zuhr Prayer is the mid-day prayer which is performed around a global time of 1PM. This can take an average time of around 15 minutes or so to read and is the second biggest prayer to be read.

The Asar Prayer is the mid-afternoon prayer which is performed at an average time of around 3PM to around 4-5PM. This time can become later in the summer. This is Allah's (SWT) most beloved prayer (Subhan'Allah) out of ALL five. [Remember, we are trying to please our Almighty Lord at ALL times. If he Loves for a Muslim to do a particular task, by all means that Muslim should try and do that task for the sake of Allah (SWT).] This takes an average time of around 10 minutes to perform.

The Maghrib Prayer is the prayer perfomed in the last hour before Sunset. This is interlinked to the method in which the Fajr Prayer is read. Just as the Fajr Prayer CANNOT be performed after Sunrise, the Maghrib Prayer CANNOT be performed after the SUn has finally set. One must be cautious on checking the time when performing this prayer. This beautiful prayer takes an approximate time of around 10 minutes to read.

The Isha Prayer is the final prayer of the day, and is also the biggest prayer. The time-span for reading this prayer for each Muslim is preferrably from the moment the night-sky turns dark blue-black all the way on til the midnight itself. In these final hours of the day, after such a tiring day when One may be at work, the Isha  Prayer's Beauty is explained. When one may want to sleep because of tiredness and exhaustion, he still has the last energy to perform the "Wuzu" (The special wash of the outer body before performing ANY Prayer, and before reading ANY words from the Qur'an. Note: it is a SIN to touch the Qur'an without the cleanliness of performing the Wuzu. Don't worry! Wuzu is very easy to perform, and literally takes from around 1 minute to maybe 2 minutes. As told, Isha is also the biggest prayer, and takes the longest and most energy to read. It takes approximately 20 minutes to read. As you have just noted down ALL of the daily prayers, notice that the longest one is JUST a mere 20 minutes of the day. That is ALL that Allah (SWT) asks from you to give him through your whole busy day. Through your day, you may have given your manager at work, two hours for a meeting because he requested it from you. But have you thought what is your manager's value against your Almighty Absolute and Supreme Allah (SWT) who has created YOU, He who put the first BREATH through your heart!

Yes, now you see the clear importance of these tiny minute small prayers requested from us by Allah (SWT), but still today, so many Muslims find it so difficult and lazy to perform any ONE of the FIVE prayers, let alone TWO. Note use of word "energy" is explained as follows.........When a Muslim performs any one of the daily prayers. There is a special way of making them literally EFFORTLESS to perform. Over time, I have Masha'Allah achieved this miracle and now find it very painful to miss any Prayer by choice. Wherever I can, I fulfill my duty to perform each Prayer, just as every other Muslim does. The Secret is in your heart.

Prayer used to be very hard for me to get used to. I used to be lazy and want to finish watching a programe on TV, without considering the fact that would I miss my prayer when I finish? Over time, Allah (SWT) has lead me deeper into the path, and has made my Imaan (My Belief in my Heart) MUCH stronger than it once was. Now I tell myself that when I pray, I do it SOLELY to please my Almighty Allah (SWT). This makes a strong barrier like Titanium against anything that would come into my path to mislead me from my prayer (The Devil - Shatan). Because of my Love and RESPECT I have for Allah (SWT) My Lord, My Owner and my Creator, I have the Fear of missing a prayer would be too much to displease him and make him upset at me (Tobah'Astaghfar - Please refer to English meaning). The more stronger a Muslim's heart is towards Islam and Allah (SWT), the MUCH MORE easy his Prayers will become for him, Insha'Allah.

Remember - the longest and biggest prayer is ONLY 20 minutes. Have the Decency to perform ALL you prayers, because the True Story is that.......PLEASE READ THIS AND CONSIDER IT VERY VERY CAREFULLY..........ORIGINALLY, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was given the task of telling his Muslim followers that they had 50.......YES....that's FIFTY....Prayers that they would have to fulfil EACH and EVERY DAY if they were to reach Jannath (Heaven). The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said to God that this would be too difficult considering the people's busy lives, and so would he be merciful enough to cut them down. From Fifty, for the Love of his Beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Allah (SWT) cut down the ORIGINAL FIFTY PRAYERS chosen for each day.....down to JUST......JUST a tiny little minute FIVE.

Now you see what a shameful sin it is to be lazy to miss ANY of the small five prayers, each ranging from JUST 5 minutes to JUST 15-20 minutes to perform. Please re-READ what I have just shown, just to get a good strong view of what was originally set for us Muslims and be thankful to our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for praying for our Mercy from Allah (SWT). I hope this touches your hearts in how important the prayers are to each Muslim. And for the Non-Muslims, you may be asking, "Why would God choose an original 50 prayers to be asked from his followers, when he knows ALL and is the absolute all-knowing almighty God, and would know that would be too hard." You see - That is the Beauty of Islam. That is the Beauty of Allah (SWT) because he knew ALL this all along. Allah (SWT) knows EVERYTHING.

Just to put this into perspective for you - Think if you were to MONITOR a patch of grass 30cm by 30cm with 50 Ants planted in it, would you have the Human Brain-Power to account for what EACH of the Ants got up to in JUST a little time period of 10 minutes? The answer is NO. Because we are God's slaves. We have just enough brain-power to challenge ourselves and to choose the Right path. We must not be ignorant of God's words and try and immitate his work. Only Allah (SWT) the most Supreme, the most Forgiving and Almighty KNOWS ALL. He truly knows the fate of the smallest living cell in our bodies, as well as every living and dead creature ever to grace our planet since he made it from scratch. (SUBHAN'ALLAH!). Allah's (SWT) Power is beyond understanding for a simple Human Being. Even the most biologically advanced Human Beings cannot even come close to a millimetre of understanding the knowledge of what Allah (SWT) has.

We have been given enough knowledge to help us stay on the right path until the time of Judgement comes.......we have no knowledge or brainpower to question Allah's (SWT) actions against anyone or ANTHING. EACH move Allah (SWT) makes, and has chosen for us, is for a reason. World disasters are a result of Allah's (SWT) Fury towards that Nation. Many Nations have perished by the will of Fury of Allah (SWT) in the past. When one researches on these Nations, and how they perished, his human heart is filled with fear towards God. Allah (SWT) Loves those who Fear him the most, because they are the most devoted to him, and surely will be rewarded in UNMEASUREABLE quantities. (IMAGINE THAT). I will talk about the thoughts concerning Jannath (Heaven) in another section. It will surely make you think and want to come into Allah's (SWT) Hands to ask him to forgive you. When you find out that Allah (SWT) has opened the doors of Mercy on you, you will cry with Joy that you creator could have so much Mercy on you......So much Mercy that no-one, not even you own parents could come close to having on you.

3. Zakaath (The Giving To The Poor)

The word Zakaath itself means "Purification" and "Growth." Each Muslim calculates his/her payment individually and makes a payment calculate n 2.5% of his/her total earnings. This payment can be out of every paycheck, or annually out of the total salary. For example, if a Muslim earns $15,000 per year in salary, then 2.5% of that would be calculated to be $375. That is the yearly payment to the poor that Muslim MUST make because it is obligatory upon him/her. To be sure though, in my opinion, I have always thought it is better to give more than the required amount by Allah (SWT). This makes sure that you hav given the legal amount by Allah's (SWT) Law to the poor and you won't be accounted for any sins regarding inadequate payments. So for that Muslim on a $15K Salary, I would advise that he/her should give $400 to the poor in Zakaath instead. This "Charity" can be paid through any major OR minor Islamic or Muslim Organisation. For help and advice, please consult an Islamic Shop local to you because they are guarenteed to have the facilities to make your payment for you.

4. Sawm (Fasting in The Month of Ramadan)

This is the "Month of Fasting" EVERY able Muslim MUST fulfil as a duty of his rightousness towards Allah (SWT). This month is marked because it is in this month the revelation of the Holy Qur'an started. Muslims fast in order to aqcuire self-control, purity, spirituality and to increase awareness of the underprivilidged. Ultimately, ALL able Muslims practise fasting in the month of Ramadan because it is purely Allah's (SWT) command. It is a beauty of Islam that Muslims follow Allah's (SWT) commands without questionning or reasoning his commands with ANY form of investigation.

Many people think that when Muslims fast in the month of Ramadan, they fast from the 1st day of the month all they way until the last 30th day! They have the idea that it is an impossible task that a human could go without eating for 30 days. My dear friends, understand the month of Ramadan and the purpose and reason for it being Allah's (SWT) command. In the month of Ramadan, Allah (SWT) orders the gates of Hell (Jahannam) to be closed.....and the gates of Heaven (Jannath) to be opened. For a second, just visualize that in your mind and imagine the amount of kindness and mercy Allah (SWT) will have at this time of the year upon his Muslims. The Devils and Demons of Hell are chained and locked up, while the Angels are ordered to descend from the Heavens (There are 8 Heavens purposely created by Allah (SWT) in total...) down to our Earth to bless each Muslim doing extra good deeds in this specific month.

In the Qur'an, YOUR Almighty Lord, Allah (SWT) says that the month of Ramadan is SO blessed by his will that if ONE Muslim, NO MATTER how SINFUL he/she has been all his entire life, NO MATTER what AGE he/she has, if that Muslim sheds ONE tear on his/her prayer mat in the Love and Fear of Allah (SWT).........due to that ONE TEAR........Allah (SWT) Almighty will forgive him/her for EACH and EVERY SIN committed until the present day.............just put that into perspective in your mind. Think of all the bad things, all the evil things you did, and you are now 40, that's FORTY years old. Would there be ONE Judge in the world, who would forgive all your sins without question in return for a tear of Love? NO. Please Note: This tear must hold the right intention to become GOOD "after" the Purification that that person will receive. This tear MUST be from deep within the heart and must have strong meaning that you would want God to know that you mean with what you are asking from him. "Fake" tears which are shed in the thought that, "Once I am clean, i will be free to go and commit some more sins, etc" WILL NOT be accepted. Allah (SWT) Knows ALL.....sees ALL.....and hears ALL.

5. Hajj (The Pilgrimage to Mecca)

The most amazing part of any persons Life, is without doubt the feeling of going to Hajj. I myself have only been to Umrah (Masha'Allah) - A prayer which involves the circling of the Ka'bah (The Black Cubic House in the middle of the Great Mosque in Mecca) and the running in between the two mountains of Safa and Marwa (This is done for a specific reason also). What I experienced when I went is something no words of ANY language can possibly describe.

Hajj is a Duty (Pilgrimage to Mecca) that is laid upon every able Muslim by Allah (SWT). God has set the requirement of Hajj through a Muslims life at..........only ONCE. That is the minimum requirement an able Muslim is asked to perform Hajj for when and while he/she can. Note: ABLE Muslims means, ALL Muslims who are healthy and have no disabilities that would prevent them from performing the Hajj. Nevertheless, very year a lot of disabled people are also taken by their family to perform Hajj (Masha'Allah) and they sure do perform the parts of the Hajj that they can. Indeed their EFFORT will be HIGHLY REWARDED on the Day of Judgement in UNMEASUREABLE QUANTITIES.

This website was built  to share my knowledge of Islam with you people who have a positive and curious look into it and want to know the Truth about your lives. Once you acquire the blessing of being God's will experience beautiful miracles in you heart for which you will cry and thank God for the rest of your lives that he showed you the Secret of Life.....the True Path that he has requested NOT from only ALL Muslims.........but also from EACH and every living human being until this day. (If you are one of them human beings who have been ignorant........WHAT will you say when you meet Allah (SWT) and he asks you, "WHY did u ignore my existence....when it is "I" who was the One who created you....gave you your Health, your Wealth, your House and your Car. Your Ignorance has now lead you falling into the forever ending deep fall into Hell...!"  (Tobah'Astaghfar!) (May Allah (SWT) forgive me, and all Muslims and save them from this Terror.

A Miracle For Your Very Eyes

Look to the right and observe carefully at the full picture of the Great Mosque in Mecca which holds the Ka'bah (House of Allah (SWT)). Look around the Mosque and ask yourself, why does the Mosque alone glow whiter than white? Why has it such a beautiful Glow in the day and night when viewed from a satellite from space? The world around is so dull because it has no importance in our lives.....but the Holyiest Place found in the world has a Miracle of its own.......

Note: This picture is 100% Genuine and Original and has not been tampered with in any way.



Below is my email address, please feel free to send any emails regarding anything about my site, etc. I would like to apologise to my brothers and sisters who might have noticed that the website is actually incomplete at the moment. It's the first website I've ever made, so it's really pretty basic, but nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it so far. I'm trying to add more to it every now and then, and hope it will attract any new curious people into what Islam is about.