Whoever you are viewing this website......whether......Black, White, Chinese, Asian, African, Jamaican, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Japanese, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, etc, (Apologies for those faiths not listed)........OR........Athiest, please read the following VERY VERY carefully because YOUR "understanding" of it ALL will PLAY upon your final Fate which is already planned for you.
Before reading the following, in order for God to truly and actually touch your heart, please think upon the following and keep that belief in your heart AS YOU READ AHEAD. The Lucky of You's will insha'Allah feel a miracle upon you that will explain a NEW DOOR of your Life and explain what it is all about, what is has been all about ALL these years. To FEEL this miracle, please CLEANS your heart of all bad thoughts, and evil-minded thoughts, and please SUBMIT yourself to God's WORDS for the time it takes you to finish reading ahead.
NOTE very Strongly. This IS NO JOKE. This is your Reality, MY Reality, and All of ours Reality, and to fully understand God's Message, you MUST, by ALL means, Submit yourself to believe in Him, and ONLY Him.